The role of interpreting services in overcoming language barrier in the United Kingdom Health Care System
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The topic of this study is, “The role of an interpreting services in overcoming language barrier in the United Kingdom Health care system”. As the number of migrant people increase every year in the UK, so is the need for a smooth structured, health care system that caters to the need of people that speak languages other than English. In this study we will try to do an in-depth study on what role do interpreting services play in the health of people. How has the government tried to inculcate the interpreting services in the system and why there is the need for the service at all. A qualitative analysis with secondary research is done for this study, to understand the different impact it has on the health system. PubMed and ProQuest were the two databases from which the articles were selected, keeping in mind the inclusion and exclusion criteria. How and why interpreters play a vital role in bridging the language barriers between the patients and the health care personnel were the subjects that were further analysed. In summary the effort from the UK government to have a proper interpreting service for those citizens who need it, can be seen but it still has not reached the standard procedure. People still feel that there is lack of proper system in places, and it is not easy to find interpreters which has resulted in adverse effects and more funds may be required together with the effort from the government and from the health care system.
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