Orapuh Academic Repository (Orap Acad Rep) is a repository of academic oral and public health.

The repository exists to keep deposited oral and public health documents safe, make them available online for the public's use, and make them visible in the academic oral and public health marketplace.


The repository aims to improve access to oral and public health knowledge and research that are developed in academic institutions, especially from resource-limited settings of the world.


Orap Acad Rep welcomes oral and public health:

1. Ph.D. and Master’s Theses
2. Books
3. Book chapters
4. Academic publications (journal papers)
5. Undergraduate essays and dissertations
6. Reports
7. Inaugural lectures
8. Bibliographies

Open Access Information

All documents in Orap Acad Rep are open-access documents distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International License.


Orapuh Academic Repository is owned and published by Orapuh. Orapuh is an international, independent oral & public health information, education, and research organization in The Republic of The Gambia.

Publication charge

The repository's publication charge is as follows:

  1. African scholars: $40 USD or 2460 GMD (N40,000)
  2. Authors from other countries: $60 USD or 3,600 GMD (N60,000)
  3. Orapuh Scholars: $0.00 USD or 0.00 GMD (N0.00)

Subscription charge

The Journal has no subscription charges.


Orap Acad Rep is optimized for: 

and Microsoft Academic

Open access policy, copyright, and license information

All documents in Orap Acad Rep are open-access documents distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International License.

Authors of documents published in Orap Acad Rep are the copyright holders of their documents. When they accept our terms of use, they grant any third party the right to use, reproduce, or disseminate their document freely without fiscal or registration restrictions.

Consequently, the full texts of all documents uploaded to Orap Acad Rep are made freely available on the repository’s website and other third-party sites upon publication, free of charge.


All documents published in this repository are included in the LOCKSS and PKP PN archival systems.

Editorial Policies        Editor              Author Guidelines