Orapuh Literature Reviews | Journal of Oral & Public Health 'Micro-Texts'
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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • In the reference section of each article, the entries for journal articles should include their DOIs, where DOIs are available.
  • Supply all authors' names, ORCID iDs, email addresses, country, and institutional affiliations

Author Guidelines

Orapuh Review (Orap Rev)
An Orapuh Review is a standalone survey of current scholarly sources on a specific oral and/or public health topic to provide an (updated) overview of knowledge in that area.

Writing an Orapuh Review involves finding relevant publications (such as books and journal articles), critically analyzing them, and explaining what you found. A good Orapuh Review doesn’t just summarize sources – it analyzes, synthesizes, and critically evaluates to give a clear picture of the state of knowledge on the subject.

To develop condensed current and comprehensive quality oral and public health ‘micro-texts’ for teachers and students.

Scholars in the niche of the journal may register to author review articles. A review takes, at least, 2 authors to complete. Authors must commit to the periodic review of papers to ensure comprehensive and up-to-date articles.

An intending author must be willing to commit their time and expertise to the work.

Orapuh Reviews are published in ‘Orapuh Literature Reviews’ (Orap Lit Rev).

Orapuh provides training for current and intending authors covering the steps involved in preparing an Orapuh Review.

Orap Lit Rev editorial staff and members of the Orapuh College of Scholars provide support throughout the review process and the subsequent updates.

Review Period
Depending on the skills, and the time available to, a review team, reviews may be completed in as short as 2 weeks. However, Orapuh requires a review team to complete and submit their review in a month (maximum).

Termination of a Review
If a review team is unable to complete their review within the specified period or submit a manuscript that requires elaborate editing and review, the editorial staff reserve the right to terminate such a review. Because of this, it is important for intending authors to be sure they have the expertise to initiate and complete a review before they get involved and to choose their team carefully.

Citing authorities
All authorities cited in a review must be within the previous 5 years.

A review should not have less than 50 in-text citations and references.

All authorities cited in an Orap Lit Rev must be in the APA (7th edition) referencing style format.

Funding of a Review
Authors volunteer their time and skills to write reviews. They are not paid for the job. They do not pay to publish their review in the Orap Lit Rev.

Authors may source for fund to execute their review. When this happens Orapuh has to be notified about the funding and furnished with the details of the disbursement of the fund received.

For certain special cases, Orapuh may commission reviews and provide stipends to support the review.

All Orap Lit Rev manuscripts are peer-reviewed.

Peer-Review Type

This journal utilises the double-blind peer-review system for all manuscripts. There are always 2 reviewers per manuscript.

Expected Timeframes and deadlines for peer-review

The peer-review of a manuscript takes a minimum of 2 weeks:

1. A reviewer is expected to accept a review request within 1 week of receipt. 

2. The actual peer-review should be completed within 1 week of acceptance


1. Indentify competent review partners

2. Define a topic

3. Register the topic

4. Delimit the review

Actual review

5. Search for literature in databases

6. Evaluate sources

7. Develop a structure

8. Write your literature review

9. Proofread manuscript

10. Put manuscript into the Orap Lit Rev Template

11. Submit Manuscript

Editorial workflow & production

12. Initial Editorial Review

13. Peer Review

14. Copy editing

15. Preparation of publishable files

16. Proof-reading

17. Production

Parts of the Review

1. Abstract

2. Introduction

3. Main body (broken down into parts, using appropriate sub-headings)

4. Conclusion

5. References

This is a summary of the review, so it should be written at the end of the review.
You should begin by making a statement about your motivation for the review or topic. Then, you should talk about the statement of problem before you give a summary of the types of literature used for the review and crown it up with a summary of your findings.

Finally, you should also include a statement of conclusion.

An Orapuh Review Abstract should not be more than 350 words.

Introduction should present with an idea of the review topic's concept. It should provide a background to the entire Review. Ask yourself questions like,

1. 'what is on ground in this subject area?',

2. 'what is the status quo in the area of concern?',

3. 'what are the related trends in what has already been published in this area?'

Introduction forms the foundation for the review. Conceptualise the topic and area of concern. Finally, establish your reason for engaging the Review and explain the criteria to be used in analyzing and comparing literature and the organization of the review (sequence); and, when necessary, state why certain literature is or is not included (scope).

Main body (broken down into themes/sub-themes)
The main body of the Review should contain detailed discussion on the body of knowledge organized from the selected literature.

The main body of the Review should be organised into Themes/Sub-Themes. You should develop the Themes/Sub-Themes after you have gone through the hoards of literature you have gathered.
You should ensure that the Themes/Sub-Themes selected cover the entire information available in the subject area of focus or concern.

Conclusion' should be consequent on the findings of the entire Review.

You should provide some perspective on the relationship between your review's topic and its parent discipline.


1. All authorities cited in a review must be within the previous 5 years

2. A review should not have less than 50 in-text citations and references

3. All authorities cited in an Orap Lit Rev must be in the APA (7th edition) referencing style format.

*Download and study the Orapuh Review System and other training materials to get conversant with the Review Methods.

How to begin an Orapuh Review
To begin a review,

1. Register at the Journal's site https://bit.ly/2TY60zd

2. Read these author guidelines thoroughly

3. Register a Review Title at

4. Put your review into the Orapuh Review Template (available with the Editor - [email protected])

5. Submit your Review online

Further Enquiry: [email protected]


There is no article processing charge (APC) or subscription fee for articles that are published in this journal

Deadline for the submission of manuscripts

There is no deadline. Submission is always welcome. Journal is published continuously (several times in a year) on a publish-as-you-go basis.

Journal's Editorial Policies

You can find our Editorial Policies here.

Publication Ethics

Authors are encouraged to read through this resource on publication ethics.

Health Research Transparency 

Authors are encouraged to read through this resource on health research transparency.

Publication Journey

1. Receipt of a manuscript (submitted via the journal's online journal management system)

2. The submission undergoes initial editorial review to ensure it is complete and conforms to the Journal's aim and to prepare the file for reviewers

3. The submission is sent out to 2 reviewers for pre-publication peer-review (double-blind review)

4. Authors revise submission (if indicated from '3’ above) and uploads the revised file

5. Decision is taken concerning the submission - Accept, Reject or send for further refereeing. If sent for further refereeing, the peer-review process is repeated. When accepted or rejected, author is notified

6. The final editorial review of the submission takes place

7. The submission is copy-edited

8. Publishable files are produced

9. The submission is assigned a DOI

10. The submission is published

11. The article is immediately available on the Journal's website and made available on other third-party sites

12. The article is Archived on LOCKSS and PKP PN for long-term preservation

**Note that the Author gets notified each time a strategic decision or a salient step is taken. An author may also keep track of developments with their manuscript from their Journal account.


Thank you for choosing Orapuh Literature Reviews as a venue for your work. We hope you enjoy your publishing experience with us.

Feel free to contact us for questions or should you have any concerns at any stage of the process:

Physical: F. Gaye R., Sukuta-Jamisa, Greater Banjul Area, The Gambia.

Postal: UMTG, PMB 405, Serrekunda, The Gambia.

E-mail: [email protected]

WhatsApp/Telegram: +234-805-450-2005

Call/SMS: +220-718-5516


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.